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Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Center

Past Events

Many events have been hosted previously at the Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Center. HistoryGuide currently has 56 past event listings in its database, shown below.

DateEvent Information
03/12/11 Finding Refuge from the Storm: Becoming an Inner Being. In this class, we will learn techniques to find our own inner source of refuge. This inner refuge can help us to have shelter a… (Educational - Class) 267-702-4083.
04/09/11 Who is Buddha?. Go beyond the myths and fairy tales and learn the true story of this great being. More than two thousand years later, Buddha's… (Educational - Class) 267-702-4083.
12/31/11 Candlelight of Compassion Puja. Join us for a very special New Year's Eve with our second annual Compassion & Dessert Party. Enjoy delicious deserts & ring in… (Nightlife - Parties)
12/31/11 Inner Peace Meditation Retreat. Join us for a guided meditation retreat led by Resident Teacher Gen Tenzin. Through meditation we can begin to experience calm a… (Community - Self Help)
01/21/12 Long Life Meditation Retreat. 4 Sessions for this day retreat in which we increase our positive energy and meditate in order to attain a long life. If we wish… (Community - Self Help)
01/28/12 Parenting As A Spiritual Practice. By creating a spacious calm inside and using simple meditation techniques being a parent becomes a cause of lasting inner peace.… (Community - Self Help)
02/11/12 Valentine's Day Love Panel. Pucker up and come to a Valentine's Day celebration with a very special Buddhist Love Panel. Dangerous and naughty desserts from… (Community)
02/25/12 Meditation and Self-Esteem. Develop a positive self-view and experience real happiness through learning Buddhist meditations that help you relate to your ex… (Community - Self Help)
Meditation: Take an Inner Vacation. Cool off. Join in a day of meditation on patience. In each retreat session you will receive teachings on patience, the opponent… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
10/19/13 Modern Buddhist Practice: A Meditation Day Course. You may be happy sometimes, but is that really enough? This course will teach meditation techniques that will begin to reduce th… (Community - Self Help)
11/09/13 The Art of Embracing Impermanence. Stuff breaks. Understanding impermanence can help us deal. No meditation experience necessary. Everyone is welcome. This course… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-4083.
Inner Peace Meditation Retreat. Start the New Year off with a peaceful mind and a happy heart. Join in a meditation retreat led by Gen Tenzin, Buddhist monk and… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
12/31/13 Candlelight of Compassion Puja & Dessert Party. Light a candle for world peace on New Year's Eve. Enjoy delicious deserts and ring in the New Year with a meditation on compassi… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
02/22/14 Improving Relationships through Meditation. In this course we will learn practical meditation techniques to increase our love and kindness and help us to connect with other… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
05/03/14 Finding Peace in a Busy World. Come hear Gen Kelsang Tenzin, Buddhist monk and Resident Teacher of Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Center, provide a clear explanatio… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
09/18/14 Free Public Talk: Meditation and Modern Buddhism. You do not have to be a Buddhist to enjoy the benefits of meditation-everyone is welcome. This talk will be given by Gen Kelsan… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
Urban Retreat: Meditations on the Nature of the Mind. In this retreat we will learn basic meditation techniques to help settle the mind and reduce distraction. Sessions will be led… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
11/15/14 Facing Aging and Death with Grace: A Buddhist Perspective on Dying. In this course explore profound methods to integrate these truths into our daily life, increasing our well-being and happiness a… (Educational - Class)
Inner Peace Meditation Retreat. Enjoy warmth of heart in the winter season, and cultivate a peaceful mind to take into the New Year. Join in for a special medit… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
12/31/14 New Year's Eve Service: Advice for a Happy New Year. In this talk Gen Tenzin, a Buddhist monk & Resident Teacher, will give practical teachings on compassion that we can use to cult… (Community - Lecture)
02/14/15 More...
Meditations on Love: A Special Valentine's Day Retreat. Buddha taught that love is a wish for someone else to be happy. This is very different from attachment-exaggerating someone els… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
03/14/15 Mala Making Workshop. Learn the art of making a traditional Buddhist rosary. Learn the beading techniques to make a traditional Buddhist mala and begi… (Educational - Workshop)
03/28/15 Transcending Suffering: The Buddhist View of Emptiness. Find freedom from anxiety, anger, & stress through understanding the true nature of our world. Buddha's teachings on profound em… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
05/16/15 Intro to Buddhist Tantra: A Meditation Day Course. Tantric meditation is a special method to transform our enjoyment of beautiful objects into causes of peace, bliss, and wisdom.… (Community - Lecture)
09/10/15 Free Public Talk: Stop Worrying, Start Living. Discover the answers to these questions and learn methods to reduce and eventually eliminate all our anxiety and worry. This ta… (Community - Lecture)
09/19/15 Meditation and Self-Esteem: A Day Course. Learn how to look at ourselves differently and relate to our extraordinary potential rather than our limitations. Awakening this… (Educational - Class)
10/17/15 Freedom from Frustration: The Practice of Patience. In this course we will learn the time-tested methods taught by Buddha for improving our patience, and how to practically apply t… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
11/12/15 Finding Satisfaction in the City: Drop-In Meditation Class. Each class consists of two guided meditations, a teaching on a Buddhist topic, and optional class discussion. This class is a gr… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
11/21/15 Death, Re-birth, and Karma: A Meditation Day Course. Learning to face the challenge of loss & separation is important. Explore profound methods to integrate this into daily life, in… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
12/31/15 New Year's Eve Service: Advice for a Happy New Year. In this talk Gen Tenzin, a Buddhist monk and Resident Teacher of Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Center, will give practical teachings… (Community - Lecture)
01/28/16 More...
Walking the Path: Practicing Deep Meditation: Drop-In Meditation Class. Each class consists of two guided meditations, a teaching on a Buddhist topic, and optional class discussion. This class is a gr… (Educational - Class)
02/13/16 Urban Retreat: Meditations on Love. Buddha taught that love is a wish for someone else to be happy. In this special Valentine's Day retreat learn traditional Buddhi… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
04/02/16 Meditation and the Art of Happiness: A Free Public Talk in Philadelphia. In this class, basic meditation techniques will be explained as well as some guidance for healthy and positive thinking. This fr… (Community - Lecture)
05/14/16 Enjoying Relationships Without Pain: A Meditation Day Course. In this course you will learn practical meditation techniques to increase the love and kindness and help them to feel close to o… (Educational - Workshop)
06/11/16 Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life & Precious Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony. On this special day, receive the transmission of the meaning of the Bodhisattvas way of life and how to practice it in the moder… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
08/27/16 Guide to Inner Peace Meditation Retreat. Come enjoy a day of peace in the city. On this day you will alternate between guided meditations and short teachings. Through th… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
02/14/18 Valentine's Day Love Panel with Buddhist Teachers & Practitioners. Everybody wants to have a great Valentine's Day. In this evening, there will be an energizing, provocative, and meaningful discu… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
02/24/18 Day Retreat on the Power of Love. We all want to experience love. Buddha said that love is the ultimate protector. In the short day retreat, we will understand th… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
04/07/18 Improving Self-Confidence: Discovering the Power to Change. Becoming successful in life depends upon the confidence to face challenging tasks without worry. In this course, learn time-hono… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
Meditation and the Power of Imagination: Quickly Creating a Peaceful World. During this teaching and meditation retreat, we will receive the instructions on how to engage in these practices and gain famil… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
Relax and Refresh Day Retreat. Buddha explained that happiness is a calm, clear, and positive mind. You will be guided in meditation to swiftly and easily gene… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
06/02/18 Post-NKT International Festival Day Retreat on Emptiness. On this day, you will receive a transmission of the main points that were given at the NKT International Festival in England ear… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
06/14/18 FREE TALK: Freeing Yourself from Limitations through Meditation. We can all find fulfillment in life, but we just need some new tools. On this special evening, senior monk Gen Tenzin will share… (Community - Lecture)
09/04/18 Buddhist Psychology: Education for Liberation. A spirituality course designed to learn the practices of modern Buddhism. You will study teachings that can be applied to your e… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
Healing the Past: Meditations for a Free and Open Heart. Everyone wants to be happy all the time, but often our past comes back to obstruct our present happiness. In this course, we wil… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
12/01/18 Empower Your Love: The Tantric Empowerment of Buddha Tara. Tara is a manifestation of the ultimate wisdom of all the enlightened beings. Receive Tara empowerment and an explanation and in… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
12/15/18 30-minute Relaxation Meditations & Open House with Free Hot Cider. De-stress your holiday with a quick relaxation meditation in the city. Pop in at any of these two convenient times for a 30-min… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
The Love Bug: An Urban Meditation Retreat. This time of year, we're all thinking about love with Valentine's Day on the horizon. In this day retreat, we will deepen our he… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
03/21/19 Dealing Positively with Pain. Through practicing meditation, creative thinking, and being with supportive friends, we can learn to view pain as a powerful spi… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
09/07/19 Meditation for Families. Meditation enables us to calm our minds and deal with negative emotions. As the new school year begins, we invite parents & fam… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
Understanding the Causes of a Happy Life: The Mirror of Dharma. Dharma means the teachings of enlightened beings. Receive practical advice on how we can control our desires, anger, and ignoran… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
12/31/19 Buddhist New Year's Eve Party: A Peaceful, Light-hearted Celebration with Spiritual Friends in the City. This evening will include an inspiring talk and a beautiful Buddhist meditation on compassion from 7:00-8:00pm, and an after-par… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
02/13/20 Valentine's Day Love Panel & Dessert Party. Everybody wants to have a great Valentine's Day. In this evening, there will be an energizing, provocative, and meaningful discu… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
05/09/20 Be Smarter, Be Wiser, Be More Successful: The Empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Prajnaparamita. On this day, you will receive the Empowerment of the Great Mother, Prajnaparamita. This means you will receive special healing e… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop) 267-702-3817.
Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully: A Buddhist Perspective on Death & Dying to Help Ourselves and Others. In this unusual course we will learn to demystify and remove fear from the process of dying, and how to use the death process to… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)
08/15/21 More...
Get Happy: A Meditation Series | Hybrid. Learn to create happiness for ourselves & others through developing the powerful minds of love, compassion and kindness. Buddha… (Educational - Spiritual Workshop)

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