Many events have been hosted previously at the Jungle Island. HistoryGuide currently has 83 past event listings in its database, shown below.
Date | Event Information |
Every Sun Every Thu Every Fri | Terror in the Jungle. Two scary attractions starred by mutated animals and zombie-like Aztec Indians will take over South Florida's favorite haunt to (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
Every Sun Every Sat | Wet, Wacky & Wild Weekends at Jungle Island. Going stir-crazy with kids on the weekends? Enjoy beach oasis and Rainforest Riptide, a floating obstacle course and water park (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7000. |
Every Mon Every Tue Every Wed More... | Jungle Ed-venture Camps at Jungle Island. Ed-venture Camp explorers embark on a journey of discovery through up-close interactions with exotic mammals, spectacular birds, (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7297. |
Daily | FREE Admission to Jungle Island for Active Military, Veterans and First-Responders. Tribute to America's heroes this Veteran's Day & addition to 50% savings for up to 4 accompanying family members. Visitors can e (Community) |
Every Sun Every Sat | Breezy Days at Jungle Island. Enjoy an easy breezy adventure that includes three engaging animal shows; petting barn, hands-on interactions with the rarest of (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7000. |
Daily | Kids In Free at Jungle Island-Extended!. Jungle Island is giving families another reason to speed over to the popular South Florida landmark attraction. Each child (10 a (Kids - Children's Activities) |
Daily | Miami Attractions Month. A 50% online discount on all Lemurs! Up Close and Hanging With Sloths encounters. Guests also enjoy access to Jungle Island's mo (Community) |
Daily | Adventure Bay at Jungle Island. With Biscayne Bay to serve as a picturesque background, guests can zip line at warp speeds above a tropical oasis, test their st (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7000. |
Daily | Luminosa Festival of Lights at Jungle Island. Rediscover the magic of Luminosa and explore 1.35 miles of colorful silk lanterns crafted by over 150 Chinese artisans, illumina (Festivals) |
Daily | Outdoor Ice Skating Rink at Jungle Island. A brand new tradition to kickoff 2020 in South Florida. Park visitors can now ice-skate in shorts and a t-shirt at Miami's only (Community) |
Every Mon Every Tue Every Wed More... | Summer Adventure Camp at Jungle Island. Young explorers will go on an exciting odyssey jammed-packed with the wildest animal interactions. Camps also include an explora (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7211. |
Every Sun Every Fri Every Sat | The Horrorland Miami. Explore five main haunted attractions, brave through eight scary outdoor zones, and test your courage with bloody carnival games (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
01/28/06 | Taste of the Tropics. Taste of the Tropics is a unique wine, culinary and spirits celebration. Sample delicious treats from many South Florida restau (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-817-5645. |
07/04/06 | 4th of July with Animal Stars & Jungle Stripes. Enjoy the holiday with your favorite animals and fill your belly at the All-American Cool Breeze B-B-Q Buffet in the Treetop Bal (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) 305-400-7000. |
03/17/07 | Jungle Dreams. Jungle Dreams with DJ Tracy Young & DJ Alyson Calagna plus Chad Michaels, Jennifer Follia & Megan Mullally. (Arts - Concerts) |
10/27/07 | Fright Night in the Jungle. Steven King Movie Weekend at Jungle Island featuring Pet Semetary (Rated R). (Festivals - Film Festival) 305-400-7000. |
03/16/08 | Family Magazine Summer Camp Fair. Come find a summer camp for your child and they'll have a blast while you're there! Parrots & Penguins & Kangaroos. Oh My! Slide (Community) 305-661-5514. |
08/16/08 | Back To School Jungle Jam. Before the kids go back to school, come enjoy a day of fun at Jungle Island! Enjoy fun activities for the entire family, like mu (Community) 305-400-7211. |
12/14/08 | South Florida's Funniest Kid Contest. Children ages 12 and under are invited to come audition and show the judges their best stunts, jokes, pratfalls, monologues or c (Kids - Children's Activities) |
03/06/09 | Transplant Foundation's Taste of Love: Viva Tango. Wine, culinary and spirits celebration. Sample delicious treats from many South Florida restaurants. There will be food, drinks (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-817-5645. |
03/11/09 | Miami Fearless Caregiver Conference. Actress, author and advocate Julie Newmar, the first Catwoman on the television show "Batman", will talk of her caregiving journ (Community) 954-893-0550. |
11/26/09 | Thanksgiving Day Buffet. Enjoy a special selection of home style thanksgiving buffet delights in the Lakeside Cafe!. (Dining - Dining Specials) 305-400-7000. |
02/13/10 02/14/10 | Animal Lover's Wild Affair - Valentine's Day Weekend. Make this a Valentine's day to remember as you embark on a 60-minute encounter with some of the Jungle's most incredible animals (Community) 305-400-7000. |
04/16/10 | Transplant Foundation's Emerald Nights. Expect to enjoy a hip swanky event that will have an electrifying infusion of ambiance, food, drinks and nonstop entertainment. (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-817-5645. |
04/17/10 04/18/10 | Earth Miami. An event that will engage and inform the South Florida community about environmentally-conscious initiatives and ways they can i (Community) 305-400-7000. |
04/22/10 | 12 Good Men. The Ronald McDonald House Charities honors 12 outstanding men whose community involvement, civic service and commitment to one o (Community) 305-324-5683. |
04/27/10 | 8th Annual Hats Off Luncheon. Honey Shine Lady Bugs (members), sponsors, mentors and volunteers enjoy a reception, silent auction, luncheon, and the always-an (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-476-0095. |
05/06/10 | 16th Annual Claude Pepper Memorial Awards Dinner. United HomeCare Services' 16th Annual Claude Pepper Memorial Awards Dinner honors corporations and individuals who have made a s (Community) 305-716-0729. |
05/21/10 | The Business Empowerment Networking Series: Marketing and Brand Development. This networking series will feature a thorough panel discussion with distinguished, prominent business leaders on how to success (Business - Networking) 305-751-8648. |
07/04/10 | Jungle Island's 4th of July Fireworks Bash. Enjoy the holiday with your favorite animals and fill your belly at the All-American BBQ Buffet in the Treetop Ballroom where th (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) 305-400-7000. |
03/05/11 | Florida Hemophilia Association Inaugural Walk. Lace up your walking shoes and help bring attention to the Florida Hemophilia Association! Funds raised will help people who ar (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike) 305-235-0717. |
03/08/11 | 12 Good Men Luncheon. The Ronald McDonald House Charities honors 12 outstanding men whose community involvement, civic service and commitment to one o (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-324-5683. |
03/18/11 | Transplant Foundation's Emerald Nights. Emerald Nights is the Hip and Swanky event benefiting Transplant Foundation. Live Music, Food and Entertainment for a good caus (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-817-5645. |
04/29/11 | Getting the Most of Your AutoCAD 2012. Join Autodesk Technical Evangelist and Cadalyst columnist Lynn Allen as she takes you through a tour of the latest features and (Business - Seminar) 305-445-6480. |
05/03/11 | 9th Annual Hats Off Luncheon. Honey Shine Lady Bugs (members), sponsors, mentors and volunteers enjoy a reception, silent auction, luncheon, and the always-an (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-476-0095. |
06/18/11 | ING Miami Celebrity Domino Night. The ING Miami Celebrity Domino Night, Miami's most popular fundraiser returns to Jungle Island by popular demand. This event fe (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-279-1155. |
09/24/11 | Miami Walk for Lupus Now. Take a walk on the wild side in support of Lupus, a disease that affects more than 1.5 million Americans and 5 million worldwide. (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike) 561-279-8606. |
09/27/11 | Annual Carrfour Luncheon: "Reaching New Heights in South Florida". Carrfour Supportive Housing, the leading provider of permanent housing and supportive services for the formerly homeless in Miam (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-371-8300. |
10/20/11 | Voices For Children Be A Voice Luncheon. Following its annual tradition, Voices For Children Foundation will honor the organization's MVPs, Most Valuable Protectors, at (Community) 305-324-5678. |
04/07/12 | Women in Leadership Breakfast: Link, Leverage, Lead. Event registration will be followed by breakfast service and then a moderated panel discussion will take place. Panelists includ (Business - Conference) 800-658-1292. |
02/25/12 02/26/12 02/23/13 | Fun and Fit as a Family - South Beach Wine And Food Festival. Florida Blue presents Fun and Fit as a Family featuring Kellogg's Kidz Kitchen. (Kids - Children's Activities) |
04/19/13 | Annual Women's Fund of Miami-Dade Power of the Purse. Join Women's Fund of Miami-Dade for the annual Power of the Purse luncheon and networking event. The luncheon will include the h (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-441-0506. |
06/16/12 06/15/13 | The ING Miami Celebrity Domino Night. The ING Miami Celebrity Domino Night, Miami's most popular fundraiser, benefiting Amigos for Kids, returns to Jungle Island by p (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-279-1155. |
07/04/11 07/04/12 07/04/13 | Jungle Island's 4th of July Fireworks Bash. Enjoy the holiday with your favorite animals and fill your belly at the All-American BBQ Buffet in the Treetop Ballroom where th (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
09/27/13 | SFMSDC's 38th Annual Awards Gala. The Annual Awards Gala is the Council's signature event which recognizes the achievements of South Florida's top minority-owned (Community) |
11/17/12 11/23/13 | St. Jude Give thanks. Walk.. Join St. Jude supporters to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Registration for this family-friendly event i (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) |
05/03/14 | 4th Annual Walk in the Jungle. The Walk in the Jungle raises critical funds and awareness for the bleeding disorder community of Florida. With your tax-deducti (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike) 305-235-0717. |
05/04/14 | 2nd Annual Walk for Wishes 5K Walk/Run. Teams consists of a minimum of 4 people. Participate as an individual or get together with family, friends and colleagues to for (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 954-967-9474. |
05/08/12 05/06/14 | Honey Shine's 12th Annual "Hats Off" Luncheon. Tracy Wilson Mourning, founder of the Mentoring Program, its Lady Bug members and friends, sport their favorite hats at this hig (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-854-2444. |
06/14/14 | Amigos For Kids 2014 Voya Miami Celebrity Domino Night. Domino Night will feature the renowned celebrity orange carpet, celeb domino players, bar courtesy of presenting sponsor, Bacard (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 239-279-1155. |
09/13/14 | Bella's Ball. The fundraiser gala created by and for the Live Like Bella FoundationT will raise awareness and funds for Pediatric Cancer Resea (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) |
10/17/14 | Switchboard's All Star Awards. Honor, celebrate, and recognize nonprofits in the community as Miami's true all stars. With the Miami Dolphins as the Title Spon (Community) |
10/29/11 10/30/11 10/31/11 More... | Jungle Island's Spooktacular. From trick-or-treating through the jungle, graveyard games, Halloween-themed arts & crafts, bobbing for apples and more, kids wi (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
05/09/10 05/08/15 05/10/15 | Mother's Day Brunch & Day in the Jungle. Surprise mom with an unforgettable Mother's Day Brunch experience featuring Key West Shrimp Cocktail and Snow Crab Cocktail Claw (Dining - Brunch) 305-400-7000. |
06/06/15 | Penguin Pals Water Safety at Jungle Island. Children and teens ages 17 and under are invited for informative presentations and exhibits on how to stay safe around the water (Kids - Children's Activities) |
09/05/15 09/06/15 09/07/15 | The Trash Monster Visits Jungle Island. Find our friendly Trash Monster at Jungle Island from 10:30-11:15 AM & 12:15-1PM and learn about recycling in a fun, interactive (Kids - Children's Activities) |
11/20/13 10/30/15 | The Commonwealth Institute's Annual Leadership Luncheon. The Commonwealth Institute will host its annual Leadership Luncheon to celebrate women in business and spotlight their success a (Community) 305-799-6547. |
10/30/15 | 12th Annual Leadership Luncheon Featuring A Conversation with Maryam Banikarim Global Chief Marketing Officer Hyatt. Luncheon with networking and inspiring conversation! Hear Global Chief Marketing Officer of Hyatt, Maryam Banikarim and Katie Ke (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-799-6547. |
11/14/15 | Introduction to Nature Photography Workshop at Jungle Island. Nature photographer Robert Sullivan & Miami Herald photojournalist, Al Diaz, will conduct a 5 hour workshop with hands-on worksh (Educational - Workshop) |
11/19/15 | Switchboard of Miami's 4th Annual Katz Barron Squitero Faust All-Star Non-Profit Awards Luncheon. This awards luncheon will celebrate the hard work, dedication and achievement of Miami-Dade County's local non-profit organizati (Community) 305-358-1640. |
12/21/15 12/22/15 12/23/15 More... | Ed-venture Camp at Jungle Island. Jungle Island takes young explorers on an exciting odyssey jammed-packed with the wildest animal interactions known to mankind d (Kids - Children's Activities) |
01/22/10 01/23/15 01/22/16 | Pawpurrazzi. Divine delicacies, great music, an exciting silent auction and a runway for our two-legged and four-legged friends make Pawparra (Community - Fundraiser / Benefit) 305-749-1815. |
03/27/16 | Easter Brunch at Jungle Island. Brunch highlights to include traditional breakfast favorites, salads, kids' menu & decadent desserts. Mega Egga Hunt Adventure f (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
05/29/10 05/30/10 05/31/10 More... | Memorial Day Weekend at Jungle Island. o pay homage to America's heroes, Jungle Island invites all veterans, active military, police and fire personnel to enjoy FREE p (Community) 305-400-7000. |
09/27/15 06/18/16 | Amigos For Kids Holds Fifth Annual Celebration of Friendship. A nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect. The night features the renowned celebrity blue carpet, (Community - Organization) |
09/03/16 09/04/16 09/05/16 | $15 Neighbor Days. Interact with some of the world's most fascinating animals, marvel at three engaging shows, make a splash at Parrot Cove beach a (Kids - Children's Activities) |
10/30/09 10/31/09 10/31/15 More... | Knock! Knock! Halloween at Jungle Island. From trick-or-treating through the jungle, Halloween-themed arts & crafts to scarecrows and animal shows with cool creepy creatu (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) 305-400-7000. |
12/24/16 12/25/16 12/26/16 More... | Wild Holidays at Jungle Island. A two-week family-friendly affair featuring holiday parades with the park's wild animal friends, arts & crafts, scavenger hunts (Kids - Children's Activities) |
12/26/16 12/27/16 12/28/16 More... | Winter Ed-venture Camps at Jungle Island. South Florida's popular attraction offers a series of fun-filled weeklong camp options, featuring educational encounters with co (Kids - Children's Activities) |
04/14/17 04/15/17 04/16/17 | Mega Egga Hunt! Adventure at Jungle Island. Adventure features three days of continuous egg hunts, acres of bounce houses, rides, arts & crafts, music, and special appearan (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
04/22/16 04/28/17 | Miami-Dade County Fair Housing Month Celebration. Mapping Affordable Housing in South Florida - presented by Jorge Damian de la Paz, Program Manager, University of Miami Office (Community) 305-651-4673. |
09/01/17 09/02/17 09/03/17 | Labor Day Weekend Jungle Fest in Miami. A wide range of activities and attractions. Topped off by a backyard BBQ extravaganza featuring local purveyors with a beer gard (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
06/23/18 | Caribbean305. Get ready to island hop throughout the Caribbean in one night with open bar featuring tasty Caribbean cocktails, unlimited tapas (Festivals - Culinary) 305-443-3040. |
12/20/18 12/21/18 12/21/18 More... | Jungle Island Presents Santa's Circus: An Acrobatic Fairytale. Enjoy breathtaking stunts, magic, illusion, comedy and the totally unexpected at this family-friendly Christmas-themed circus sh (Performance) |
03/25/19 03/26/19 03/27/19 More... | Spring Adventure Camp at Jungle Island. An exciting expedition of the great outdoors ages 5 -12. From Mad Scientist Monday, Chopped Tuesday, Wizard Wednesday to Jurassi (Kids - Children's Activities) |
04/19/19 | Flamenco Night with Manolito The Gypsy. Gipsy Kings fans are in for a real treat. Music-goers can enjoy the best of the band's greatest hits during a concert performed (Music - Latin) |
04/21/19 | Megga-Egga Hunt! At Jungle Island. Easter bunny is bringing a bounty of eco-friendly eggs. From egg hunts every hour on the hour, arts & crafts, face painting, to (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
07/04/14 07/04/19 | 4th of July Animal Parade at Jungle Island. Join an animal parade where your children march through Jungle Island with amazing animals and their caretakers! Children dresse (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
10/26/19 10/27/19 | Jungle Island Celebrates Halloween with Luminosa. This nighttime spooktacular also will feature Chinese acrobats, roving entertainment, Adventure Bay, a DJ booth and live music, (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party) |
12/23/19 12/24/19 12/26/19 More... | Winter Adventure Camp at Jungle Island. Young explorers will go on an exciting odyssey jammed-packed with the wildest animal interactions. Camps also include an explora (Kids - Children's Activities) 305-400-7211. |
02/22/20 02/23/20 | SOBEWFF Goya Foods: Fun and Fit as a Family. Join chefs & culinary personalities for 2 days of food, fitness and learning. Features the Kidz Kitchen, Miami's eco-adventure p (Kids - Children's Activities) |
05/08/24 | GMFEA's 11th Annual Conference - Reimagine, Refresh, Renew. This event is an essential gathering for event professionals looking to reinvigorate their brands and events. Immerse yourself i (Business - Conference) |
03/27/25 | Nora En Pure. Techno / electronic concert performance. (Music - Electronic & Trance) |
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