Many events have been hosted previously at the 7 Stages Theatre. HistoryGuide currently has 18 past event listings in its database, shown below.
Date | Event Information |
05/22/08 05/23/08 05/24/08 | Evolution: No Fixed Points. A collection of contemporary dance works choreographed by artistic director, Charlotte Foster, with guest choreography by Mizell (Performance - Dance) 404-255-5171. |
06/06/08 06/07/08 06/07/08 | Sideshow. Full Radius Dance presents an innovative concert of physically integrated (dancers with and without disabilities) concert featur (Performance - Dance) 404-724-9663. |
12/10/09 12/11/09 12/12/09 | Food Chain Reaction. Join the Good Moves Consort for their annual repertory concert. This year's production has a dance for every taste: great modern (Performance - Dance) 404-518-1646. |
06/11/09 06/12/09 06/13/09 | Coexist: Life As it Should Be. Coexist is filled with stunning contemporary dance, choreography, and spoken word, and is sure to inspire audiences to enhance t (Performance - Dance) 404-255-5171. |
07/09/10 07/10/10 07/11/10 | POP!. POP! explores society's obsession with power, fame, and greed through the use of physically demanding contemporary dance, video (Performance - Dance) 770-992-0170. |
10/01/10 10/02/10 10/03/10 | Theory of Everything. A 90-minute interactive theatrical experiment, where each night, the audience votes on what will be performed, resulting in a se (Performance - Theater) 404-522-0911. |
11/13/10 11/13/10 11/14/10 | Rest: a journey home.... Refuge Dance Company performs several new works by Artistic Director Katherine Gant. (Performance - Dance) 678-267-3202. |
12/10/10 12/11/10 12/11/10 | Once Upon A Holiday. A new Christmas show mixed with a flavor of Alice in Wonderland and The Nutcracker that is sure to put you in the holiday spirit (Performance - Theater) |
01/06/11 01/07/11 01/08/11 More... | Mad At Miles: A Black Woman's Guide to Truth. Atlanta based writer Pearl Cleage was driven to write what she considers a workbook for black women struggling to survive in a s (Performance - Theater) 404-523-7647. |
03/10/11 03/11/11 03/12/11 More... | Mad At Miles: A Black Woman's Guide to Truth. With directness, Pearl Cleage takes an unblinking look at the current state of abusive relationships and battered women. Direct (Performance - Theater) 678-438-4851. |
06/24/11 06/25/11 06/26/11 | Breaking Bounds presented by Sideways Contemporary Dance Company. Through the use of physically demanding contemporary dance, video footage, and spoken word, Breaking Bounds explores the ties th (Performance - Dance) 770-992-0170. |
07/13/12 07/14/12 07/15/12 | Blackout: Sideways Contemporary Dance Concert. Blackout, a new dance concert created by Charlotte Foster, examines the struggle for equality that many minority groups have exp (Performance - Dance) 770-992-0170. |
10/25/12 10/26/12 10/27/12 | The Sutra Project. The Sutra Project: introduces the thread and weave between dance, live music, and visual art . (Performance) |
12/10/09 12/11/09 12/12/09 More... | Once Upon A Holiday. Once Upon A Holiday is a new Christmas show mixed with a flavor of Alice in Wonderland and The Nutcracker that is sure to put yo (Performance - Dance) 404-255-5171. |
01/23/13 01/24/13 01/25/13 More... | Sojourner. Sojourner takes a hard look at her life, not only as a woman, but as a slave. It also takes a compelling look at pre-civil war A (Performance - Theater) 404-285-8367. |
06/21/13 06/22/13 06/23/13 | SIDEWAYS Dance Company Presents Yin Yang. Yin Yang is a dance concert collaboration with new dance works by Bubba Carr, Bala Sarasvati, Mary Ann Staib and Charlotte Foste (Performance - Dance) 770-992-0170. |
06/09/16 06/10/16 06/11/16 | Mysterium - A Magic Show. Mysterium Show is a wild and delightful celebration of the supernatural. The show goes beyond "tricks and illusions" to create a (Performance - Magic and Illusion) |
02/17/17 02/18/17 02/18/17 | HAIR'itage, The Journey of Sistahs with Their Hair. HAIR'itage The Play uniquely tells the evolution of the Black woman's hair. Six "sistahs"- with different styles and grades of h (Performance - Theater) 917-444-9237. |
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