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VenueGuide Anaheim: Venue Profile

Anaheim Metro Area

Past Events

Many events have been hosted previously at the Anaheim Metro Area. HistoryGuide currently has 14 past event listings in its database, shown below.

DateEvent Information
3rd Fri Rrrrumble and Rock on the Party Block. Rrrrumble and Rock on the Party Block will include live music, 50/50 raffle, BBQ/Food Booths, Street Vendors, Cocktails, and a c… (Festivals - Carnival / Fair) 714-956-3586.
Every Sun Summer Tagalog Classes. The Tagalog 1 class follows a progressive curriculum designed for 9 year olds & above. The curriculum engages students in speak… (Kids - Children's Activities)
08/18/07 Swingin on the Promenade. Swing the night away on a huge dance floor under the stars while lisening to Royal Crown Revue or enjoy free dance lessons at Sw… (Festivals - Carnival / Fair) 714-956-3586.
Work at Home Business Expo (WaHB). The WaHB Expo is about empowering entrepreneurship- from affordable franchising opportunities and direct sales to network market… (Business - Convention / Expo) 619-546-5390.
07/28/12 Shakespeare by the Sea presents: Romeo & Juliet. A romantic tale of a love worth dying for. Against a backdrop of feuding families, two star-crossed lovers pledge their devotio… (Performance - Theater) 310-217-7596.
07/29/12 Shakespeare by the Sea presents: Two Gentlemen of Verona. Hilarity abounds when four young lovers hit the road to romance and along the way find heroines in disguise, scene-stealing serv… (Performance - Theater) 310-217-7596.
11/23/13 More...
Cirque du Soleil - Totem. A Cirque du Soleil production, this show is an fascinating journey into the evolution of mankind. Held at Grand Chapiteau At Ora… (Performance - Circus / Animal Show)
California Wine Festival - Orange County. Wineries pour hundreds of specially selected vintage red and white wines, complemented by dozens of the region's top chefs and s… (Festivals - Wine Tasting)
09/24/17 Race for the Cure Orange County. The Race is Susan G. Komen Orange County's signature fundraising event to provide local breast health services & fund national b… (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike) 714-957-9157.
11/23/17 Plymouth Rock N Run. The annual Plymouth Rock 'n' Run 5k/10k Thanksgiving Day turkey trot, hosted by Research for Cure, is an all-volunteer staffed,… (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike)
09/23/18 Race for the Cure. The 27th annual Orange County Race for the Cure is Orange County's signature fundraising event to provide local breast health se… (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike) 714-957-9157.
11/28/19 Plymouth Rock n' Run. The annual Plymouth Rock 'n' Run 5K/10K/10 Mile Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot is a volunteer staffed, grassroots event whose proc… (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike)
09/07/20 Book It Charity Run - 5K/10K and 1K Fun Run. BOOK IT! Racing for Reading for Hospitalized Kids. All proceeds will go to Ethan & Chocos Book Clubs (ECBC) to support ongoing a… (Health - Fundraiser Walk / Run / Bike)
La Mesa Oktoberfest Celebrates Monumental 50th Year. Celebrate with festive live music, including Oompa bands, tons of top-notch German food, and of course, steins filled to the bri… (Festivals - Holiday Event / Party)

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