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VenueGuide Washington D.C.: Venue Profile

George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens

George Washington's home and grounds, preserved as it was. An authentic 18th century American dinner is served by reservation. Verify schedule before visiting as opening and closing hours vary slightly according to season. This property offers access for patrons with disabilities.

3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway
South End
Mount Vernon, VA 22309
Reader Rating:Reader rating: 1.0 out of 5
George Washington Slept Here - Member, Duston Hickey, Seattle
Also Here:George Washington's Distillery
Open:MON-SUN 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Credit Cards:


See Past Events(19)
Daily 11:00aSlave Life at Mount Vernon Tour. Half-hour guided walking tour focuses on contributions of African-American slaves who built and managed George and Martha Washin… (Educational - Walking Tour) 202-780-2000.

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