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TheaterGuide Washington D.C.: Theater Profile

Eisenhower Theater

To find tickets for events happening at this venue, please click here. This property offers access for patrons with disabilities.

2700 F Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20566
Located In:John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Open:MON-SAT 10:00 am-9:00 pm
SUN 12:00 pm-9:00 pm
Credit Cards:


See Past Events(166)
08/10/24 2:00pNine - The Musical. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
06/30/24 2:00pThe Kite Runner. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
07/02/24 8:00p
07/03/24 8:00p
Reframing the Narrative. Dance theatrical performance. (Performance - Dance)
10/11/24 8:00p
10/12/24 8:00p
10/13/24 7:00pMore...
Putnam County Spelling Bee. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
11/19/24 8:00p
11/20/24 8:00p
11/21/24 8:00pMore...
Champions Of Magic. Entertaining magic show. (Performance - Magic and Illusion)
12/17/24 8:00p
12/18/24 8:00p
12/19/24 8:00pMore...
Life of Pi. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
01/31/25 8:00p
02/01/25 8:00p
02/02/25 7:00pMore...
Schmigadoon!. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
03/04/25 8:00p
03/05/25 8:00p
03/06/25 8:00pMore...
Eureka Day. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
06/06/25 8:00p
06/07/25 8:00p
06/08/25 7:00pMore...
Legally Blonde. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
07/09/25 6:00p
07/10/25 3:00p
07/11/25 6:00pMore...
BLUEY. Childrens' / Familiy theater performance. (Kids Theater)
07/22/25 8:00p
07/23/25 8:00p
07/24/25 8:00pMore...
Dungeons & Dragons: The Twenty-Sided Tavern. Live theatrical performance. (Performance - Theater)

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