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TheaterGuide San Francisco: Theater Profile

Curran Theatre

To find tickets for events happening at this venue, please click here. This property offers access for patrons with disabilities.

445 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Open:MON 12:00 pm-6:00 pm
TUE-THU 12:00 pm-8:00 pm
FRI-SAT 12:00 pm-8:30 pm
SUN 12:00 pm-6:00 pm
Getting There:Downtown Center Garage at OFarrell and Mason is listed as the best place to park for The Curran Theatre - about 1/2 block away.
Credit Cards:


See Past Events(42)
11/26/24 7:30p
11/27/24 7:30p
11/28/24 7:30pMore...
Kimberly Akimbo. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)
12/05/24 8:00p
12/06/24 8:00p
12/07/24 8:00pMore...
Golden Girls: The Laughs Continue. Live theatrical performance. (Performance - Theater)
01/04/25 11:00a
01/05/25 2:00p
Dog Man - The Musical. Childrens' / Familiy theater performance. (Kids Theater)
02/01/25 8:00pDanae Hays. Comedic performance live. (Performance - Comedic)
02/09/25 6:00pWorld Ballet Company: The Great Gatsby. Ballet theatrical performance. (Performance - Ballet)
02/11/25 8:00pUnscripted: An Evening with Bill Gates. Lecture event. (Educational - Class)
03/27/25 8:00pMorgan Jay. Comedic performance live. (Performance - Comedic)
05/13/25 7:30p
05/14/25 1:00p
05/15/25 7:30pMore...
Parade. Musical theatrical performance. (Performance - Musical)

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